Digital Innovation Leading Edge Software Development Speaker Product and Business Development
More About MeExperienced entreprenur in finance, technology and software. Built one of the first search engine companies on the internet - before google became a household name - sold it to a public company 2 years later. Created one of the first mulitmanager hedge funds twice named in WSJ as top 10 fund. Designed and deployed a unique RFID inventory tracking system for underwater devices. Imagined and then built a cutting edge risk managment software using modern portfolio theory and correlation analysis designed for Apple then Microsoft PC computers.
App Development, Experienced Presenter,
Phd in business experience, Masters Degree in Theology. Profile Headline:
"Managing the Mobile Revolution...".
App Design and Development, Experienced Presenter, Product Evangelist
Development of business ideas into app and web technology
2012 - Present
An app development and DTMA company. Developed 10 different apps - for a tooling company, non profits, promotions for town and money raisers, to a frozen yogert shoppe and resturant. DMTA stands for Digital Marketing Techology Architect - our focus was to develop tools which could integrate digital technology for automatiion of launching, marketing, and sales of products, personalities, and business brands
July 2010 - June 2012
Created the automation for linking affiliate marketers to call centers using a technology we created called the Click and Call Network. This technology tracked the sales of affiliates from inital click on a promotional web site, created by affiliates,through to the call center and tracked sales generated to be credited to the affiliate.
May 2000 - June 2004
Built websites using WordPress, ModX, and Joomla CMS. Sites varied from finance, fishing, and info product launches using various technologies
2001 - 2008
Built a research facility and designed a unique techology for attracting Spiny Lobstr with digital sound. The device used a patented process and device for playing back sound recorded from marine species. The device worked not only with Spiny Lobster but game fish as well. Along with this tech a method was devised to track inventory and lease payment required to keep the devices deployed and recharged worldwide
1985 - 1990
Ramcap stands for Risk Adjusted Mulitple Capital Asset Alloction Program. Concieved and partnered to build a software program that would take Modern Portfolio Theory and apply it to be used in a way that finanical advisors could easily use it to analyize, reposition, and then demonstrate the risk reward value of changing porfolio aaset allocations. This applied theory triggered the opportunity to speak worldwide on our approach and provided a platform to offer our software solution to finanical avisors from Banks and Accounting Firms to Brokerages and Finanical Planners. Sold in 1990
1984 - 1988
One of the First multimanager futures funds in Colorado. It used correlation theory and software to determine what managers to bring together for an asset class to add to financial advisors client portfolios for risk reduction using Modern Portfolio Theory which was nacent at the time. The fund was twice named a top 10 fund by the WSJ
1986 - 1990
Created course, spoke, traveled and taught Modern Portfolio theory and Asset Allocation strategies.
Mostly Apps in IOS and Android Stores with a scattering of websites and webapps
The mobile revolution is upon us and many businesses have yet to fully expand their capabilites in business, marketing, and opportuinies, as well as solve old problems a new way with mobile apps. I love to solve problems with software and grow business onto new levels with mobile apps. Let us serve you doing what we love.
Having experience accross multiple businesses from finance, software, and business development we bring creative ideas to bear on application development.
Ideas are a dime a dozen. It is successfully working through the whole process - from idea to application, from real needs and use cases to a successful launch. Having seen successes and failures we know where the landmines and goldmines are in software and app development.
Sometimes you need a new way of thinking. How to apply software to real world challanges. We can help with that....and drive the process to completion.
We leverage the latest technology to achieve your goals. Change is rapid in the software space and your business needs to stay agile. The right technology can help with that - from easy to understand user interfaces to backend server data optimization, agile maintainance, and of an accessable and sporty API.
Ultimatly your software has to integrate with your whole buisneess plan and appeal to ALL your stakeholders. We are equally comfortable in the boardroom, the programing scrum, and on the sales floor. Our experience tells us the best business development comes from people passionate about the product whether pitching VC's, shareholders, or prospects. Successfull businesses need to communicate effectivly to the marketplace why they are great and why the world needs to do business with them. We can help...ask us how.
While full stack development is our core competency, we know what makes a good design tick - from the front end through to the API and server. It all has to work together for both your team and your customers. The goal is not just to be satisfied but to be DELIGHTED with your experience.
Don't hesitate to contact me. My company YodaCom would love to serve you doing what we love to do.
In the Mountains of Colorado
PO Box 23978
Silverthorne, CO
80498 USA
Phone: 01.970.368.5580)
Mobile: 01.970.393.3150